With appointments only
105 Ashworth Place
Harlow, CM17 9PW
United Kingdom
Tel: 0044 20 7183 4797
Mob: 0044 74 1214 1931
Fax: 0044 20 8711 2196
In England we provide advice and representation in all mainstream courts and tribunals in public law, children and family proceedings, housing disputes, civil, commercial, chancery litigation and immigration. Under direct access, depending upon complexity, we accept instructions for dispute resolution by way of contentious litigation in the Tribunals and mainstream courts in Commercial & civil litigation, family and immigration. Occasionally, we accept instructions for defence in Magistrates’ Courts in summary trials. For detailed description of our legal services please visit our videos page https://www.londonviewchambers.co.uk/videos.
For legal services under direct access you may contact us to obtain a quotation by submitting a query on this web page. Our fees are based on either hourly rate or fixed fees. We do not enter into CFAs. Our fees do not include VAT that may be applicable to clients based in the United Kingdom. Our fees do not include any court fees or disbursements. There may be unforeseeable circumstances where our fees may vary such and also the likely timescale of a case (particularly in contentious litigation) such as court directions made on its own initiative, any applications made by the opponents; lack of evidence or new for further evidence, emergence of a new matter, etc. However, where possible we do our best to indicate the likely timescale in a matter based on our previous experiences.